Power Levels and Correct Device Operation

Here we discuss the type of power information desired from a system model. Since the objective is to find weak points in the system power flow, only power extremes are considered. Power extremes are the cross talk and signal levels obtained when the worst possible combinations of device states and input power levels are assumed.

...The weakest 1 arriving at the detection point under all conditions from all possible paths to the point is defined as #math266#P1min, and similarly, the strongest 0 is defined as #math267#P0max. Proper device operation can be ensured if the following relations are met:

P0max ;SPMlt; PS2 ;SPMlt; PD ;SPMlt; PS1 ;SPMlt; P1min. (1)



It is also desirable to have information about #math269#Pmax, the maximum power level that can occur at the inputs to a given device. A power detector may provide erroneous results when the power of a logic 1 arriving at a detection point is too large; that is, when #math270#Pmax exceeds PD by some large amount. A second and more important reason for computing #math271#Pmax is that it makes the major contribution to cross talk, as discussed below. Knowledge of the power triple #math272#P0max, P1min, and #math273#Pmax at each device in a system permits the tracking of power levels throughout the entire system.